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Guides - Goods and Services Tax

We have prepare useful guides for our clients. Please refer to them here.

GST CorpPass Authorisation

We would like to seek CorpPass authorisation for the filing of your Goods and Services Tax (GST).
1. Login to your CorpPass at

For Companies, please use your Company UEN. For GST registered individuals, please use the IRAS issued GST Registration Number (eg. M12345678X) for the Entity ID.


2. Select 'Third Party Entity > Authorise Third Party Entity'.

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3. Search our company by using UEN: 201314633R or Entity Name: Astab

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4. Select e-Services 'GST (FILING AND APPLICATIONS)' and 'GST (PAYMENT)'

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5. Role as 'Approver'. 

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6. Authorisation effective date is today. You can leave the authorisation Expiry Date as empty as it is an optional field. Then submit

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